Fiskars “Threading Water” Scallop Punch

Yeah, it arrived today!

Here is the punch used on a white piece of 12×12 cardstock. Is that stinkin’ cute or what?


Stacey at ALL MOMENTS REMEMBERED is shipping them now! Go get one before they sell out! And do me a favor…tell Stacey that Erika at Scrapbook Obsession sent you to her, okay? When you check out, you can put a mention in the Comments section. THANKS :)

7 thoughts on “Fiskars “Threading Water” Scallop Punch

  1. sigh…..super cool……

  2. Dee says:

    woo hoo! that’s beautimous :-)

  3. Kim says:

    super cool and it is about time they came out with a punch like that to make our lives easier lol :)

  4. Samantha says:

    I just took mine out of the packaging, and I’m totally excited to use it, but a little void of ideas right now. Maybe I’ll use it later!

  5. […] color in there is different than whatever color is on the back of the card). 2. Used my awesome new FISKARS THREADING WATER PUNCH to cut a scallop within each card (as opposed to scalloping an entire edge). 3. With acrylic stamps […]

  6. Martha says:

    Lucky you.

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